You may make a secure online donation at
You may select your preferred currency of Canadian Dollars, US Dollars, Indian Rupees, Australian Dollars, British Pounds, Euros, Swiss Francs, New Zealand Dollars, Hong Kong Dollars, Korean Won or Japanese Yen.
Can I make a gift to KIS sending a non-Indian currency cheque?
Yes, if you are making a donation from the US, you may send your US Dollar cheque to:
Executive Director
Kodai Friends International (KFI)
PO Box 6121 Bloomington, IN47404-6121 USA.
All other currency cheques may be mailed to:
Foundation Officer
Kodaikanal International School
Seven Roads Junction, PO Box 25
Kodaikanal 624 101 Tamil Nadu, India
All foreign currency will be exchanged at the current Indian rupee rate.
If I make a gift to Kodai Friends International, does it get sent to KIS?
Kodai Friends International provides on going support to KIS through grants and funding for educational and facility improvements and to meet the current needs of the school.
What is the best way for me to let the KIS alumni office know if I’ve changed my address or other personal information?
First update your information on the online KISAA directory, located at: If you need additional help, send an email with your information to
Does KIS have an official Facebook page?
Yes, click here to go to the page and become a fan.
Where can I get information on working or volunteering at KIS?
Click here for further information on our website.
Is it worth it to make a small gift to KIS?
Gifts of all sizes make a difference and help us continue the work we do at KIS.
What is the best way for me to learn how KIS spends donations?
Updates from the Foundation Officer in the Alumni and Principal’s Newsletter every month include information on how donations are being spent at KIS. If you have specific questions, email
What content am I likely to find in the different sections of the alumni newsletter (recent happenings, KIS giving, current events etc)?
Monthly sections include:
• Principal’s update – a message from the Principal
• Recent happenings – reflects recent events, visitors and alumni initiatives from the perspective of the Alumni office
• Update from Judy Redder, Foundation Officer – status of current fundraising campaigns, how KIS is using donated funds, acknowledgements, Wish List, KIS Profiles – bios of the students and staff that are benefiting from the gifts made to KIS, contact information.
• Additional submissions are always welcome and can be sent to
Why do I have to download different sections of the alumni news? Can’t you send it as one document?
The current newsletter feature of the online KIS Alumni Directory stipulates a maximum file size of under 1mb. In order to use photos with the articles, smaller files are necessary.
Who do I contact if I want to donate something other than money, ie a painting or real estate?
Judy Redder, Foundation Officer @
I’m a Canadian. Can I receive a tax deduction for my gift to KIS?
No. Tax exemption certificates are issued within India and the USA only.
How do I go about giving a gift in memory of someone who has died, or in honor of someone who is living?
The Annual Fund reply card and online KIS donation form includes a section for you to make your gift in memory / in honor of a special person. KIS will acknowledge the person you have recognized in the Annual Report.