Thursday, May 28, 2009

Russell DeValois Scholarship Fund

KIS is pleased to announce the first award from the Russell DeValois Scholarship Fund. The fund was created by friends and classmates of Mr DeValois, who graduated from KIS in 1943. He was a brilliant scientist who taught at the University of California in Berkeley and conducted pioneering research on vision and how spatial information is analyzed by the brain.

Russ died in September 2003 as a result of a car accident that occurred during his return to California from the 60th anniversary reunion of his KIS graduation.

The award from the DeValois Scholarship Fund will go to Neema Tsering, who will be entering grade 12. This award is in recognition of Neema’s academic performance, her leadership qualities in co-curricular activites and her commitment to the character building values of KIS as expressed in our BOW program.

Congratulations Neema!