Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Archives Update

The commencement of a new academic year means more alumni to the community; welcome class of 2009 to another world of KIS.
An archive is a place where history is carefully stored and primarily used by researchers and scholars. A school archive is considered to be a records room which has documents of importance to the school. The KIS Archives has a lot of interesting material which will prove how strongly assertive and influential KIS has been for decades. “The Highclerc Herald” was a monthly newsletter started in February 1930. It was an initiative taken by some students and the first edition was brought out in 1929. It was hand written and contained miscellaneous news that the students could discover. Miss Barber, a teacher, became keenly interested and gave the students help and encouragement in producing the next issue; and this time it was mimeographed. In 1930 the students voted that the paper should be called “The Highclerc Herald.” Papers were put out once a month. Reading some of these earlier editions, proves very interesting. Articles about happenings, possible events, occasions, about new books, alumni news, riddles and jokes are featured. From 1932 the newspaper included advertisements from local shopkeepers. The amount collected from each advertisement must have been sufficient for its printing. Here are a few excerpts from 1932:

Q. “What is the difference between a locomotive engineer and a school master?”
A. “One minds the trains and other trains the mind.”
[The Highclerc Herald; February 1932]

Q. “If seven days make one week, how many will make strong?”
[The Highclerc Herald; April 1932
I also came across an advertisement for a shop called “The Reptile House.” Can anyone guess what it might have sold? Footwear, of all things!

The Highclerc Herald slowly disappeared in the early 1990s.
Thanks to Erik Speck-Rosenbaum (Class of 1970) and Venla Leskinen (Class of 1983) for showing immense interest and supplying information on the old Swedish book mentioned in the last newsletter. Though we have not reached any conclusions as to how and when the book came to Kodai, we now know a little more about its content. As we get more information, it will be published.

Tulsi Kamath, Archivist