The Annual Fund gives KIS the means to develop and continue programs that make this school a truly outstanding place. The Fund creates opportunities for KIS students to achieve all kinds of excellence and has a direct impact on KIS ability to attract exceptional teachers and tomorrow’s leaders. In this month’s profile, staff and students who believe in “giving back”.

Bryan Plymale
SoEx, Theory of Knowledge
“Giving back is what it’s all about. This is our purpose and the real reason we are here.” - Bryan Plymale
Hometown: Born in Corning, New York. Has lived and worked in Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Texas, California, Brazil, Haiti, Singapore, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Puerto Rico and India.
Years at KIS: 1998 – 2001 and 2006 to present. Bryan has served KIS in many roles, such as Science teacher, World Religions, Ethics, Theory of Knowledge, Social Experience, field trips, Ultimate Frisbee, basketball coach, NHS Selection and Residential Life committees.
Organizations: Ultimate Frisbee Players Association, Palani Hills Conservation Council, Vattakanal Conservation Trust, World Gratitude Gathering, International Kite Surfing Association, International Mountain Biking Association, Classroom 2.0, Sierra Club, Green Peace.
Sports: Ultimate Frisbee, basketball, biking, kite surfing, snow and water skiing, beach volleyball, in-line skating, martial arts, yoga.
Hobbies: Most sports, photography, reading, traveling, dancing, gardening, eating, social media, film.
Music: A very eclectic taste in music from Flamenco to Jazz, Classical to Ambient, Progressive to Social, children’s songs to Reggae……especially Camp Fire Jams & Drum Circles.
Languages: Has studied with various degrees of success, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Hindi, Tamil, Bahasa Indonesian and Italian. Plus a few words in Thai, Swahili, Bahasa Malayu, Hatian Creole and French.
Family: Married to KIS Spanish teacher, Isabel Fernandez and has a beautiful baby daughter, Daniela.
“I would like to see KIS become a model of holistic social, spiritual and environmental education.” - Bryan Plymale

Grade 12
“KIS has given me a path for which to explore the world.” -Kavitha Selvaraj
Hometown: Auroville, India
Years at KIS: 4 years
Organizations: Youthrise, dance club, SoEx, Vice Principal’s List
Sports: Swimming, dancing, horseback riding
Hobbies: Painting, sketching, dancing, working with children and spending time on the beach
Music: Listening to reggae
Languages: English, Tamil, French, Dutch
Favorite teacher: Mr Menon
Favorite class: Art
Future: To study sustainable development at university in Holland
Inspiration: “Growing up in Auroville, and now having spent my last four years in Kodaikanal, I feel my home and my communities are truly these two and believe that I will one day return to “give back” in some way. My parents, friends and teachers have shaped my life and built me as a person encouraging me and supporting me in becoming the individual I am today. They have also been the people who have given me the opportunity to first leave my home in Auroville in order to have the privilege of studying at KIS. And now KIS has given me the opportunity to go abroad and pursue my studies at a college level studying Sustainable Development. I am sure, one day I will return and contribute to both communities as both Auroville and Kodaikanal have instilled within me a need to help the environment and my community. Though I am still growing as a student and am struggling to realize my dream I do believe that with the education and motivation from teachers such as Mr Bryan Plymale, Dr Mathew and the Social Experience department, that I will return to my roots in attempt to make my home one that will nourish and motivate the generations to come, just as it has done for me.”
“I would like to see KIS become more open and grow as a multicultural community” - Kavitha Selvaraj

Ananda Boga
Grade 12
“KIS has given me the ability to be proud of what I believe no matter what others think.” - Ananda Boga
Hometown: Mumbai, India
Years at KIS: 2
Organizations: Founder of Youthrise, an organization of youth who are making their own generation aware of the importance of Unity, Environment and Leadership. To learn more about Ananda’s vision and Youthrise’s initiatives follow this link: If you are interested in receiving the Youthrise newsletter, email
Sports: Cricket
Hobbies: Playing Ccicket, editing movies, drama
Music: Listening to calm music & Hindi music
Languages: Hindi, English, Marathi
Favorite teacher: Dr Mathew
Favorite class: Math
Inspiration: “My grandfather….he always said to try and make a difference and help people. For me personally, giving back is extremely important and plays a significant part of my life. I have been brought up by always being told to be gracious, kind and caring towards others. I believe that society has given me a lot, even Youthrise for that matter: it would not have been possible without the support of a community or a group of people. Hence for me to do something good back for society and a community is extremely essential.”
“I would like to see KIS students be more accepting and open to new things and ideas.” - Ananda Boga