Monday, March 29, 2010

Vice Principal's update

'However much we stumble, it is the teacher’s burden always to hope that with learning a boy’s character might be changed and so the destiny of a man! ’-William Hundert in the film- the Emperor’s Club

March is usually a busy month both from the perspective of academics and extra curricular activities. The end of quarter was marked by the usual focus to get the assignments and tests missed submitted before the grades are finalised. The day’s protest by the High School students meant readjusting the deadlines due to the loss of one teaching day. However, K-8 academics went off without any disruption in the Ganga campus.

The senior class was busy getting ready to submit their internal assessments in Math, Social Studies and Science. Also it was time to get all the CAS forms filled out and completed. The IB teachers had hectic work - getting the students to submit their internal assessments, correcting them, submitting the marks to the IB, getting the samples ready to to be sent off to their various destinations. The IB office was abuzz with ensuring all was on track and securing the last IB requirements in before IB mock examinations start after the long week end. One working day was declared as a non-instructional day - a ‘catch up day’ and it worked ‘magically’ to get all the IB students ready for submission of their final inernal assessments. Time management and multi- tasking are important skills which were put to use by one and all!!

The Vice Principal and the MYP Coordinators formed the self study group for IB Middle School program evaluation with the Heads of Departments. Meanwhile, the departments completed a section of this self study document which they were required to do within a two week time frame. The Careers & College office was also busy following up on applications made by the Class of 2010 to the different colleges and universities. Furthermore, we had university representatives come to KIS to make their presentations to our students.

In the midst of a demanding academic period came Field Day, All India Fresbee tournament, the Middle School play - Tom Sawyer and KIS returning from Ooty tasting victory in the cricket match with Hebron. A Rock Show took place, High School Formal, Canteen, other usual week end Social Experience activities and the additional and special Youth Rise programs.

As the month approached its end, we have just received the news that KIS received the NESA award for Community and Service at the Bangkok Conference which three of our teachers’ attended. Rati Gopinath the Head of Learning Resources had the honor of making a presentation on Special Educational Needs which focussed on how KIS deals with this issue.

The month of March was hectic, varied, challenging and had its challenging moments but through it all the KIS spirit prevailed - Unity amongst Diversity. I would like to thank the students and the staff for their hard work and cooperation to keep focussed on their tasks and priorities in all the flurry of other activities!

Kaisar Dopaishi